0 – 2 years
Baby Room
Babies and young children need very special consideration and individual care.
Our baby room is bright and homely ensuring a warm and stimulating surrounding for your baby to grow and develop.
We have equipment and resources to promote a wealth of experiences for young exploring minds, in a warm, safe and bright environment.
Learning at this stage is done through sensory activities and the staff creates a caring relaxed environment where the children can safely explore.
All equipment and resources are safety checked before the children arrive each day and the room is set up to encourage children to explore all areas including sensory areas, toys to encourage and support mobility, book areas and more. The specially designed ‘captains’ table and chairs allow all children to sit at the table and still be safe and secure. This encourages early social skills and independence while staff are there to praise and support the children.
Creative play
Creative play covers a wide range of experiences through paint, play dough, gloop and clay. Children have opportunities to stimulate their senses in touch, smell and in some experiences to taste and experiment with mixing ingredients. Painting whether at an easel or at a table allows the children to explore a wide variety of tools and materials, such as brushes, sponges, stampers as well as more unconventional items such as string, junk, cars, bubbles, fruit or veg, leaves and branches. In collage we use wool, glue, card, glitter, magazines, tissue paper, straws, junk and every kind of paper imaginable. This kind of learning can also have therapeutic value as often squeezing, squishing and squashing textures through the fingers can bring a sense of calm and be very relaxing!
Children will;
Develop self help skills through pouring, measuring, mixing and cutting
Develop their social skills
Stimulate their senses
Explore being messy without being destructive
Develop positive self esteem and pride in their achievements
What you could do at home
Praise your child’s work; build their self esteem by displaying it
Talk about your child’s work, asking them how they made it.
A non-messy activity would be collecting some old boxes and help your child to build a model using sellotape
Learning occurs in the process or experience your child goes through in creating their work and not in the product itself.
Our private changing room gives the children the privacy and dignity they deserve. For sleeping arrangements the children have foldaway beds available every child has their own blanket and sheets in line with current infection control procedures and staff have in house laundry facilities to keep hygiene standards high. Parents are expected to provide nappies, wipes and any cream the children require. Formula milk is also required , however staff are not permitted to make up bottles, they must be brought in with the water and powder measured separately for staff to simply heat and mix together.
Each day parents receive a detailed report via our Famly app giving parents information on their child’s day, for example, what they have eaten, slept, and nappy changes as well as what activities they have been doing that day.

Learning for Life

Approaches to Learning

Health and Wellbeing