0 – 2 years
The Ladybirds – 0-2 room
Childhood is a unique time of discovery and wonder, a time of growing curiosity and boundless imagination.
It’s a time of life when children’s experiences create the foundation upon which their future learning is built. Our Baby Room offer babies a wide range of new experiences within a warm and bright environment. They provide a happy and relaxed atmosphere so children feel comfortable and confident to leave their parents.
The Baby Room accommodates 15 babies aged between 0-2. The children are cared for by key workers who provide stability for both children and their parents. We try to follow children’s home routines as much as possible, as it helps to build trust and confidence between child and carer.
We present daily report sheets to parents retelling their child’s day at nursery, what they have ate and drank, the times of their nappy changes and what experiences they have been involved in.
Our babies are offered a wide range of activities to encourage and stimulate their natural curiosity. Each day the babies have the opportunity to join in various activities for example wet sand, pasta, water play, painting, play dough, heuristic play, all under close supervision.
The children experience outdoors in all weathers either in our garden area or for a walk.
Within our rooms we have our own nappy changing room; children bring their own nappies and wipes. We also have cots and sleeping mats with blankets for the children to have their sleep time.
For the younger babies, parents are required to bring in bottles with separate formula and water and it will be clearly labelled with their child’s name. Bottles are kept in our fridge until feeding time. The babies have a healthy snack in the morning and afternoon. Lunch varies for each baby depending the baby’s age but all are healthy and homemade.

Learning for Life

Approaches to Learning

Health and Wellbeing