0 – 2 years
The 0-2’s room can accommodate 16 children on a daily basis.
Staff facilitate the children’s learning by planning two activities each week and an additional two in response to the children’s individual needs or observed interests.
Staff use to new ‘Pre – Birth to Three, Positive Outcomes for Children and Families’ set out by the Scottish executuve. Staff implement the four key principles in every day practice. The four key principles are Rights of the Child, Relationships, Responsive Care, and Respect.
The attractive relaxed atmosphere allows children to feel more comfortable in our ‘home from home’ environment and aids the settling in process. A ‘key worker’ system supports our continuity of care policy building more trusting, stable relationships between staff members and families.
All equipment and resources are safety checked before the children arrive each day and the room is set up to encourage children to explore all areas including sensory areas, toys to encourage and support mobility, book areas and more. The specially designed ‘captains’ table and chairs allow all children to sit at the table and still be safe and secure. This encourages early social skills and independence while staff are there to praise and support the children.
Our private changing room gives the children the privacy and dignity they deserve. For sleeping arrangements the children have cots available however when staff and parents feel they are ready every child has their own bed with their own blanket and sheets in line with current infection control procedures and staff have in house laundry facilities to keep hygiene standards high. Parents are expected to provide nappies, wipes and any cream the children require. Formula milk is also required , however staff are not permitted to make up bottles, they must be brought in with the water and powder measured separately for staff to simply heat and mix together.
Children have opportunities for outdoor experiences at least twice per day. We have triple buggies which allow the children to get into the local community everyday. Children are also taken into the garden which has a segregated area for the under 2’s to keep them safe and secure.
Each day parents receive a report sheets detailing their child’s day, including how much they have had to eat/drink, what activities, how much they have slept, and what their nappies have been.

Learning for Life

Approaches to Learning

Health and Wellbeing