3 – 5 years
What can you expect in our 3-5 room?
In our 3-5 room we like the children to have the overall say in what they want to learn. After all, they do have the biggest input in their learning, through children sharing their ideas and interests and giving us the ideas to expand their knowledge. They even tell us how to make things better with their own ideas and contributions to things like, changing role-play areas, what to grow in the garden, how to find out new information; the list is endless.
As children are now at the forefront of our thinking this is why our new framework; Curriculum for Excellence has come into play. There have been radical changes for children aged 3-18 all over Scotland regarding their learning and the Curriculum for Excellence will now see our youngsters become Confident Individuals, Effective Contributors, Responsible Citizens and Successful Learners.
In our large 3-5 room we can cater for 21 children which will see them enjoy learning through multiple areas including arts and crafts where they will be able to create junk models, paint, collage, clay modelling and practice their writing skills. Our maths and science area can help to develop early problem solving skills including, measuring, weighing, grouping and information handling. In our reading area there are a variety of fiction and non-fiction books available that will encourage communication and literacy skills.
Our children learn about the importance of being healthy through dance, expressive arts and outdoor play. A healthy and nutritious menu is rotated every 4 weeks to give a great variety of foods. We offer the children fruit at every opportunity and water is available throughout the day which is easily accessible. We offer the children baking experiences making yummy snacks and also things like playdough and gloop where they learn to follow sequences using flash cards by themselves.
They have access to the computer and smartboard that is linked up to the internet which helps to answer questions that maybe we don’t even know researching information.This helps to get correct information to aid in their learning process. It also helps develop children’s hand and eye co-ordination as well as problem solving and ICT skills.
We like to take part in cultural and religious festivities so that our children will have the knowledge about religions around the world and have an understanding of cultures of others. Fundraising is a big part of learning about others around the world as often we raise money to help people less fortunate than ourselves.

Learning for Life

Approaches to Learning

Health and Wellbeing