3 – 5 years
The Bright Bees – 3-5 room
As the nursery is in partnership with Glasgow City Council this can enable anti and pre-school children funded nursery provision. A peripatetic teacher from Glasgow City Council attends the centre periodically to support staff and children in curriculum for excellence assessment & evaluation. The 3-5 department also have the opportunity of a Spanish teacher every Wednesday afternoon. Our staff team promote independence, self-awareness and stimulate the children’s desire to learn. Staff in the 3 -5 room follow the national guidelines set out by the Scottish Education Department – Curriculum for Excellence.
Staff have a responsibility to provide opportunities for early development in Literacy, Numeracy and HWB. Staff complete audits monthly to ensure that they are maintaining high standards at all times for literacy, numeracy and HWB. All areas within the playroom provide experiences for these three areas.
The children have a wide selection of books- fiction, non-fiction, recipes, maps, atlas’s, poems etc.
Children are encouraged to read books not only in the story corner but in the house corner through cookbooks, recipes and in the science area through science books. Etc.
The children are encouraged to sign in every morning when they come to nursery. This helps develop their writing skills. They are also encouraged to find their own name on the wall to sign in. This encourages their reading skills.
Resources are very open for children to choose. Within our literacy area children have easy access to pens, pencils, rubbers, chalk, magnetic letters, letter examples, notepads etc.
Numeracy is encouraged within the role-play area by having one section as business for example hairdressers, fruit shop, travel agents etc. This area will enable development in numeracy through coin recognition and counting skills.
We also have a set numeracy area where children can explore different resources such as calculators, rulers, measuring tapes, weights, coins, clocks, numbers, tally marks, counters, scales, colours, maps, etc
HWB is encouraged where they have access to gym equipment, and participate in activities such as dancing and sticky kids. Children are encouraged to be as independent as possible including personal hygiene. Throughout Snack times and mealtimes children are encouraged to remember to wash their hands. We have an open snack time where children have a snack bar. Children also enhance their independence by choosing their own snack or lunch, placing it onto their plate and pouring their own milk/water.
We have regular visits from the oral health team to reinforce good oral health. We use oral health team resources to create role-play areas for children to explore the job of a dentist and learn more about good oral health.

Learning for Life

Approaches to Learning

Health and Wellbeing