

0-2 Full Time – £235.00

2-5 Full Time – £227.00

Full Day – £49.00

AM/PM Session – £28

Prices include:

Full day- breakfast, 2 course lunch and a snack

Am Session- breakfast, 2 course lunch

Pm Session- snack

All meals are provided by the nursery and are prepared fresh from the kitchen.


The nursery is open all year round 8am – 6pm. However, we are closed on public holidays 

Fees are paid 4 weeks in advance, by direct debit, standing order or cheque. Should fees remain outstanding for 2 weeks, the nursery is under no obligation to keep your child’s place.


A Deposit of £100 is required prior to a placement request being reserved. It is Non-Refundable in the event of cancellation of the request. When the child starts, this amount will form part of your first months fees.

4 weeks written notice is required if you intend to change sessions or withdraw your child from nursery.


















“The nursery offers plenty of activities and toys for my child and also has a good outdoor area for children.’‘I think it is very inviting all the time and I never worry about the safety and security as it always seems to be a priority.”

Why to choose a Hyde'n'Seek Nursery
creative play

Approaches to Learning