
Private Fee Structure

0-2 years per week (5 days: 8am – 6pm) – £235.00

2-5 years per week (5 days: 8am – 6pm) – £227.00

Daily Rate (8am – 6pm) – £49.00
Per Session (8am-1pm/1pm-6pm) – £28.00

Included in the price:

  • Breakfast 8am – 9am
  • Lunch 11.30am
  • Snack 3pm

The nursery is open all year round 8am – 6pm. However, we are closed on public holidays and details of these dates are displayed on our parent’s notice board.

Fees are paid 4 weeks in advance, by cash, direct debit. standing order, voucher or cheque. Should fees remain outstanding for 2 weeks, the nursery is under no obligation to keep your child’s place.

£100 holding fee is required when a place is initially reserved. (This is deducted from your child’s 1st invoice) This deposit is non refundable if the space is not taken

10% discount, off oldest child’s fees, for 2 or more full time children.

4 weeks written notice is required if you intend to change sessions or withdraw your child from nursery.

The nursery closes at 6pm, if your child is not collected by 6pm a £5 charge incurs for up to the first 30 minutes and there after £5 for every further 5 minutes to compensate staff wages.


I am pleased that my child attends this service, as they provide so much nurture and care for my daughter. This makes me feel very at ease with the staff and I fully trust the staff with my daughter. Alan Barr

Why to choose a Hyde'n'Seek Nursery
creative play

Approaches to Learning