Children are surrounded by technology in their immediate environments and as ICT impacts on so many aspects of our daily lives, it is essential for our children to learn about technology and its role in the world. Many children are provided with experience of computers at home and Staff are astounded by the their fearlessness and levels of motivation and enthusiasm in their use.
By using technology that reflects the children’s real world, it can allow them to share, problem solve and talk about daily events. ICT is not however limited to computers, it can include a broad spectrum of equipment which includes cameras, camcorders etc to support creative development. Eg. Camcorders can record all kinds of imaginative play, such as puppetry and role play. During the playback of recordings children can self reflect and create an audience and appreciation for their creativity.
The use of programmable toys encourages children to think about space and use language of direction. It can involve children in purposeful, problem solving skills, counting, spatial relations and planning.

Learning for Life

Approaches to Learning

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