Health Promotion
The Scottish Government policy is to ‘improve the life chances of children by tackling social, health & education inequalities through prevention and early intervention.’ We aim to assist in this process by promoting and supporting the health of all children through positive role model and consistent healthy living messages.
Both Pre-Birth to Three and Curriculum for Excellence Frameworks present an holistic approach to health and well-being, where staff, parents and agencies work together to achieve the best start for children.
The government recognises the concept of the health promoting nurseries as important in ensuring not only that health education is integral to the curriculum but also that the service ethos, policies and experiences and outcomes for children foster mental, physical and social wellbeing and healthy development. (Being Well – Doing Well)
At Hyde n Seek nursery we value the importance of following a healthy lifestyle, which is why we have adopted a healthy living policy, this includes providing healthy, nutritious meals to the children in our care.
Menus are created in accordance with the nutritional guidance set out by the Scottish executive, however parents and children do also have the opportunity to give their feedback and ideas. The Nutritional Guidance for children aged 1-5 is a guide for early years establishments on what type of meals children should be having at different ages and how the meals should be balanced over the week. This document also comes with Adventures in Foodland which is full of great recipes and fun activities to do with the children and help them develop healthy attitudes to food. Each nursery has a cook on the premises who prepares meals fresh everyday using healthy fresh ingredients. We try and follow the governments ‘five a day’ initiative and children will be given fruit and vegetables throughout the day with every meal. Meals included are breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack.
Our weekly menu offers the children in our care a varied and healthy diet. One main meal of two courses at lunch and two snacks – AM : Breakfast / PM : Fruit. All food offered will be freshly made with no added salt or sugar. This menu complies with the Nutritional Guidelines 2006 set by the Scottish Executive. Water is available for children to drink at any time during the day.
Being active is a big part of healthy living. Hyde n Seek nurseries values children’s needs for exercise and recognises the benefits it has on a child’s overall development. Children at Hyde n Seek nurseries get opportunities for outdoor and indoor physical play everyday, at least twice per day. Regular physical play encourages children to live healthier lifestyles, builds on abilities, greater understanding of games and rules, builds confidence, self awareness, determination and helps children learn about their environment. Our garden has separate areas for each age group with various resources appropriate for different age groups. In the baby room staff use different techniques and strategies o promote mobility and physical development. The company has a dance teacher who goes between each nursery for the 3-5s and the 2-3 children.
In the nursery also the standard of hygiene is consistently maintained. Staff are all trained in infection control procedures. The toys are washed regularly and thoroughly in line with our procedures and general housekeeping is of a high standard. Children are supported and encouraged to wash hands regularly even from a young age. A cleaner ensures communal areas of the nursery are also to a high standard and staff ensure the rooms are kept clean and tidy. Children and staff use general hand wash however when bugs or colds are going round we would then bring out the anti bacterial wash. This is so because if we used anti bacterial wash all the time then the germs would become immune.
Hyde n Seek Nurseries recognise that;
- Health and learning are inextricably linked,
- Health is a resource for living and learning
- The promotion of both health and learning is a key element to education within the nursery
- To promote the physical, mental and emotional health of all children and staff in the nursery
- To work with others in identifying and meeting the health needs of the individual child
- Use every opportunity to improve the physical environment indoors and outdoors
- Plan and deliver a coherent curriculum based on the Birth to three and Curriculum for Excellence experiences and outcomes
- Activate expertise of specialist services in the community to support health promotion
- To ensure a safe, supportive and challenging atmosphere
- To encourage a sense of belonging and promote self esteem and respect among all children and staff
- To use the curriculum effectively to enable all children to;
– enjoy and succeed in a range of social and cultural experiences
– make informed choices and decisions that help secure a healthy lifestyle
Promoting Health of the whole nursery develops good relations, and the nursery values these relations through the contributions made by children, parents/carers, staff and relevant agencies.

Learning for Life

Approaches to Learning

Health and Wellbeing